I Survived The Nazi Invasion, 1944
One of the darkest periods in history...
In a Jewish ghetto, Max Rosen and his sister, Zena, struggle to live after their father is taken away by the Nazis. With barely enough food to survive, the siblings make a daring escape from Nazi soldiers into the nearby forest.
Max and Zena are brought to a safe camp by Jewish resistance fighters. But soon, bombs are falling all around them. Can Max and Zena survive the fallout of the Nazi invasion?
When disaster strikes, heroes are made.
- Age Level = 10 and up
- Book Author = Lauren Tarshis
- Book Material = Paperback
- Book Publisher = Scholastic
- Book Series = I Survived
- Copyright = c2014
- Grade Level = Elementary
- Condition = New
Item ID: 27644
Category: I Survived