Medieval History-Based Writing Student
rom the Anglo-Saxons to the Renaissance, from chivalrous knights to Genghis Khan, students will improve their knowledge of medieval times while learning to write with structure and style.
This Student Book includes assignments, blank outlines, source texts, checklists, vocabulary cards, and grammar helps for two levels of students—basic and advanced.
This book is designed to be used by an instructor who has been through or is currently viewing the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style video course.
This theme-based writing curriculum offers a full year of instruction for students in grades 6–8 and is perfect for homeschoolers, homeschool co-ops, tutors, and hybrid schools.
The Student Resource Packet (SRP)* is no longer included with Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons, but all necessary writing tool pages for this course from the 174 page Student Resource Packet are now included in the 17-page Medieval History-Based Writing Tools PDF.
- Age Level = 10 and up
- Book Author = Lori Verstegen
- Book Material = Spiral Bound
- Book Publisher = IEW
- Book Series = History Theme Based
- Copyright = c2019
- Edition = 5th
- Grade Level = 4 and up
Item ID: 22096
Category: Medieval History St.