Progeny Press: Farmer Boy
Almanzo Wilder is almost nine years old, and is the youngest of four children. He's a farmer boy, living and working on his family's large farm in northern New York state. He goes to school in a one-room schoolhouse when school is in session, but when there's work to be done - and there almost always work to be done on the Wilder farm - Almanzo does his part to help his family make a living. Almanzo's driving desire is earning a colt of his very own! Experiencing the labor as well as the leisure times will teach Almanzo the lessons and rewards of hard work, patience, honesty, loyalty, and prudence.
Through Laura Ingalls Wilder's telling of life through a young boy's eyes, students will learn:
About the Author: Learn about Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Background Information: Family farms.
Vocabulary words used throughout the novel, utilizing a variety of activities to stimulate retention and growth.
Literary Techniques: Synonyms, adjectives, characterization, dictionary, mood, paraphrase, in context, thesaurus, similes, metaphors, theme.
Moral Lessons and Character Values: Family time, attitude, work, Sabbath, patience, money, love one another, consequences, honor parents, truth, revenge.
Activities and Writing Assignments: Our Little House guides have many extra hands-on projects including: Farming report or speech, chores, mapwork, dairy, creative writing, art, cooking, garden, wordsearch.
Suggestions for Further Reading: We include a wonderful reading list of more books by the same author(s) and other books that tie in with, or are similar to, Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
All of the unit lessons are written from a Christian worldview!
- Age Level = 9 and up
- Book Author = Rebecca Gilleland
- Book Material = Paperback
- Book Publisher = Progeny Press
- Copyright = c1997
- Grade Level = 4-6
- Condition = New
Item ID: 18295
Category: Progeny Farmer Boy